Gordon: Students Need More Discussion of Current Events


River Gordon, Staff Writer

Many major issues that occur in day-to-day life are not being talked about. Issues like racism, poverty, education, and justice are not being brought into the everyday conversation. Many students at MSMS, like members of the Forgotten Stories Club, try to bring attention to matters that aren’t usually talked about. At my old school, though, topics such as gun control, refugees and immigrants were only discussed though jokes and memes.

More teachers need to bring up these topics in class. It is important that students are knowledgeable about world matters so that they can make informed decisions. With that knowledge, the current students will grow into leaders of the community with skills and awareness of the war.

Gun control is a serious topic that needs to be talked about. It is written that all men have the right to bear arms in America. Because America protects the right to bear arms, the process of getting a gun is simple as going to Walmart.

With stricter laws and more regulations, gun violence can be reduced and so can incidents of mass shootings. The time for gun control conversations is now, not after the next mass shooting.

Around the world, people are fleeing from their nation and others who want control. The United States, which was created because of people fleeing their home country, should get involved with helping the refugees. Many people are not aware of turmoil in countries like Venezuela and areas like the Middle East. Most refugees never make it to camps because of the hardships to get to a camp. With more camps, more people will be able to arrive at a safe location. The trouble is funding; not many people are fully aware of the troubles in other countries so they do not know that they can help.

The United States has many people wanting to come into it. Many good, honest working people are waiting for citizenship. There needs to be a better process for those who want to live in the United States because many who were just born here take freedom of speech for granted. America was founded by people who came over to the United States seeking freedom, just like most immigrants. It is un-American to keep good, hardworking people out of America. Acknowledging that the process is to ensure the safety of Americans can be difficult.

Topics about issues in the world need to be brought up more in conversation. Do the research, ask the question, and start a conversation.