Slideshow: Students Recycle Their Way to Victory

Vivienne Tenev, Graphics Editor, Cartoonist

The Student Environment Awareness League  (SEAL) hosted a week-long competition the week after Thanksgiving break to encourage students to recycle more.

The floors of Goen and Frazer were challenged to fill a bin with as much recyclable material in one week as possible. Today, SEAL members weighed each floor’s recycling to decide the winning floors.

In Goen, 4th floor won with a collection of 5.8 kg (12.8 lbs) of trash, and in Frazer, 3rd floor won by recycling 4.2 kg (9.3 lbs) of trash.

Though the competition ended, “The Green Team” reminded students that they can still continue to recycle using the blue recycling bins located around campus.