GSA Welcomes a New Year

Arin Kelly, Staff Writer

GSA, Genders Sexuality Alliance, has kicked off the new year with their interest meeting. This is a discussion based club that talks about topics relating to the LGBT community.

GSA meets every Tuesday and Thursday in their faculty sponsor, Dr. William Odom’s, room. The basis of the club is similar to Philosophy Club. Topics are suggested by members of the club and are then picked by the two club officers. The officers of GSA this year are President Campbell Rolph and Secretary Alex Whitwam. Members prepare and present presentations for the club.

According to previous members, GSA was not very involved or active. There was little action in the club aside from discussions. The GSA president is trying to change this.

This year, Rolph is trying to expand the club and make improvements. “Last year, the club did not do much. This year, my hopes are to change GSA into a more active club by expanding to community events and host fundraisers. One of our main goals is to gain school recognition of national holidays,” says Rolph.

Many GSA members are welcoming and are  excited for this change in leadership. “I am excited about having a president and a secretary that truly care about their jobs and will do a fantastic job,” says Jack Sparkman, senior member of GSA.

Junior members are excited for this upcoming year in GSA as well. “I decided to join because, well, I’m part of the LGBTQ community and I think a space for many types of people to congregate is really important. I had always wanted to do GSA at my home school, but people were hostile and it didn’t fit into my schedule. Here, everyone seems super nice. I’m excited for fundraising for important causes, which is something we talked about in the meeting, and creating new friendships.” says junior Edith Marie Green.

GSA is looking forward to having a great year with new plans and an improved club.