Spotlight Shines on New Teacher, Dr. Tina Gibson

Dr. Tina Gibson is a new member of the MSMS science faculty.

Mariat Thankachan

Dr. Tina Gibson is a new member of the MSMS science faculty.

Mariat Thankachan, Co-Editor In Chief

The teacher spotlight for this week shines on Dr. Tina Gibson, one of the new members of the MSMS science faculty. A peek into her world:

Where are you from? 

The beautiful Bluegrass state of Kentucky.

How would you describe yourself? 

Ambivert who has a passion for teaching science. Basically an extroverted introvert.

What are you excited about being able to do at MSMS?

Working with a group of teachers and students who strive for excellence every day.

How is the MSMS environment different from your previous experiences?
Slower pace in general, but students helping me in the lab through work service is such a blessing!
What do you like to do during your free time?
Crochet anything from yarn to rope to wire, and read. However, the best free time is spending time with family. Students having a college schedule is unique as well.
Ten years ago, who did you think you would be now?
I always pray that I improve every year–to never stop learning and strive for excellence but remain true to who I am as a wife and mother. So I guess I would hope that I’m still true to myself, but an improved version.
Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?
Mozambique because I had to learn how to rely on God for my most basic needs (such as water). The compound’s well went dry and our water supply was severely rationed. Every day I had to make a conscious decision about how to use my allotted water rations. I became very aware that to take a shower or wash my face or even brush my teeth is a privilege; not everyone have those choices in their current living conditions.
What would you most like to tell yourself at age 17?
Not to listen to those who say that I am not smart enough, pretty enough or outgoing enough to be successful in life. With God, all things are possible and to believe in myself and trust the purpose God set before me in my life.
Tell us something that might surprise us about you.
 According to my family, I eat a pound of chocolate every week! I am a self-diagnosed chocoholic.