National Model Security Council Welcomes New School Year

MSMS juniors and seniors compete in model United Nations conference.

MSMS juniors and seniors compete in model United Nations conference.

Jilkiah Bryant, Staff Writer

The main focus behind Model Security Council is the competition every year in March at Mississippi State University.

The MMSC welcomes two Co-Presidents, Alex Monterde and Caleb Robinson, Secretary Sydney Matrisciano, Treasurer Griffin Stewart and Vice President Harpreet Singh.

Sydney Matrisciano described what makes National Security Council so exciting and fun.

“MMSC is a wonderful opportunity to learn about political science and international relationships. The best part, though, is the relationships you’ll form with the other competitors. When you’re locked in a room for 16 hours, that tends to happen. I’m still in touch with some of the people from last year’s competition,” Matrisciano said.

Matrisciano and her partner, senior Pal Patel, won best delegation among their panel, which is the top award.

At the Mississippi State University competition, there are separate panels of 15 teams each and students can either be awarded best delegation or best resolution. There are usually 8-10 panels.

Patel explained her preparation methods for this year’s competition in March.

“For competition this year, I want to be proactive and want to start familiarizing myself with all the past and current international affairs issues months before the competition, rather than a few weeks before,” Patel expressed.

MMSC meets twice every month until competition to practice the debate techniques and review the rules of order needed for the event.