At last: There is now a Biology Club!

Kallia Cooper, Opinion Editor

     MSMS can finally say it has a club for all three of its sciences. The newly-instated Biology Club is led by co-presidents Lyndsey Risinger and Hunter Fletcher. The club had its interest meeting on Sept. 26 and is sponsored by Mrs. Leonard.

     Lyndsey said they decided to start the club because, “There’s a club for every other science, so we decided to start a Biology Club for those of us who love biology.” Lyndsey plans on becoming a veterinarian after college, and Hunter plans on becoming a surgeon because “I’ve always been interested in what makes people work. The natural sciences of people has always interested me.” Because of this, biology is a science the two care about deeply.


     Hunter said that future plans including modeling Biology Club after the Chemistry and Physics clubs for now, since it is still early in the club’s first year. However, though nothing is set in stone, there was talk at the interest meeting of having guest speakers come to talk about different disciplines in biology, possible trips to the hospital to talk to doctors and nurses, and possible outreach activities to help get younger kids into biology. There may even be club T-shirts!

     Members of the club will also be able to give presentations on different aspects of biology they find interesting, which can be anything from the nervous system to a new study they may be reading about. The co-presidents also talked about the possibility of having student tutors to help with biology, much like Chemistry Club and Physics Club have.

    Though the club is new, there are big plans for it. “A lot of people [at MSMS] love science, and many even want to go into a biology related field, so we figured there may be a lot of people who would want to be in the club as well,” said Hunter. “We just want everyone who may be interested in biology to be able to come together and talk about it in a place that everyone else loves biology too,” said Lyndsey.