Extra Stuff and How to Deal

Kallia Cooper, Opinion Editor

MSMS can be a very intense place, and no one knows that quite like your average MSMS student. Even so, there are some who like to go far beyond their already staggering duty of coursework and decide to be in more clubs than are needed for their privilege plan. To find out why some students decidedly do much more than most of their peers, I asked two seniors, Hannah Houston and Darby Meadows, to give me the scoop.

Hannah and Darby are already co-captains of the soccer team, but they did not let that stop them from joining as much as possible to really get the most of their senior year. Darby also does volleyball, Blu Diamondz and Mu Alpha Theta, among other clubs; has research every Tuesday and Thursday and is working everyday on the physical part of the application for the Military Academy.

Hannah is co-captain of the cross country team, co-president of Cru, a bible-study group, and a member of Spanish, Astronomy and Imma Bake a Pi club to name a few. To top it all off, she is also doing mentorship and works every Tuesday and Thursday with the managing editor of The Commercial Dispatch.

With such busy schedules, one has to wonder how they get the time to go to all these meetings and still get all their work done. Darby has first and seventh period off and said she likes to take advantage of that, but still also said “Some days I go to bed [extremely late] because of school work and the next day I will wake up early to finish it. I’ve already had a few days where I’ll wake up at 5:30 am to do homework.”

In order to keep up with everything, Hannah has a motto that “A scheduled person should also be an organized one,” which is why she writes down all her homework and meetings in her bullet journal. Hannah is definitely a busy person, but that’s okay with her, because she said “I generally just love being on the move. I like to run and I guess my life is an example of that constant running. Makes me feel productive.”
So, juniors and seniors, as you can see, though it may be a lot of work to be a part of everything you love, it’s still possible. And it has to be worth it, because if not, why would these two do as much as they do? So I, along with everyone else who may have stretched themselves a bit thin this year with everything they’ve signed up for, encourage you all to do as much of what you love as possible, because sure you may have a ton of homework, but what better excuse to not do it than having a club meeting? In all seriousness though, this is a school that tries to give its students as much as possible to be active in so that we can all enjoy ourselves, so why not pick a club or two (or twelve)?