Gaining Insight on the MSU Research Program

Mississippi State University

Mississippi State University

Wrishija Roy, Assistant Entertainment Editor

The MSMS/MSU research program, sponsored by the Office of Research and Economic Development, has long been a popular and highly sought after experience offered at MSMS, attracting large numbers of students yearly. This year was no different, as at least nine seniors have delved into their lab-based research within the past few weeks. This opportunity allows students to learn lab basics and expand on research on a collegiate level.

By being paired with a member of the MSU faculty, students are able to conduct project-based research for a semester, or even longer. Since juniors will be offered this opportunity the second semester of this year, current research students have provided information regarding their project and what lab techniques and specialized topics they will be exploring.
Dipal Patel
Mentor: Dr. Florencia Meyer
Department: Biochemistry
Project: “My lab works with Bovine Herpesvirus type 1, an important agricultural pathogen of cattle. We culture the first and study the effect on infected cells through various tests such as Western blots, gels, and polymerase chain reaction.”

Calvin Hu
Mentor: Dr. Santanu Kundu
Department: Chemical Engineering
Project: “I’m working on making membranes used to help filter water. Since I’m going into medicine, I hoped to work in my career field, but I’m excited for the research.”

Tristan Daily
Mentor: Dr. Natraj Krishnan
Department: Biochemistry and Entomology
Project: “We’re using flies which have had a gene that aids in removing lipid mobility. We’re observing how the flies are affected, whether they gain weight, show less activity, have an altered circadian rhythm (they have a very specific circadian rhythm),etc. This gene is interesting to us because it produces a hormone similar in function to glucagon. The more we learn about this gene and its effects helps us better understand diseases that are caused by different issues with glucagon and other adipokinetic hormones, diseases like diabetes and hypo/hyperglycemia.”

Shivani Patel
Mentor: Dr. Todd Mlsna
Department: Chemistry
Project: “I am doing my research on the purification of water by using char from quick combustion reactions.”

Ryan Hopson
Mentor: Ibrahim Abdoulahi
Department: Computer Science
Project: “The people working with me are phenomenal. My mentor has assigned me programming languages and their syntax to learn (so far C and C++), so I can research into Artificial Intelligence. He is from Niger and working on his Ph.D. paper while teaching discrete math at MSU. Students Jim, Muhammad, and Sam are all learning computer science as well and performing research, and offer help on anything I ask them. Additionally, each one of them possess a different ethnicity and it’s great learning about their respective cultures and assimilation into our society. They are the funniest, coolest nerds and I get along right with them.”

Vivian Van
Department: Chemistry
Project: “I am working in the actual Mississippi State lab to work with Dicamba and 2, 4D pesticides on soybeans.”

Morgan Dollar
Mentor: Dr. French
Department: Chemical Engineering
Project: “From what I do know about my project, I will be culturing some type of organism like yeast, and using the lipids from the samples I obtain to make biodiesel!”

Ariel Williams
Mentor: Dr. Heejin Cho
Department: Alternate Energy Resources
Project: “I am working on a potential patent for a new heat pipe that allows for optimization of conduction and air change. I will be conducting simulations on making homes and buildings more energy efficient, with an emphasis on air quality and temperature. Next semester, I hope to combine my findings with his grad students’ experimentations to allow for more options of testing the new pipe.”

Damare Baker
Mentors: Dr. Wes Schilling and Jasmine Hendrix
Department: Food Science
Project: “I haven’t found out much about my research. However, I do know that I will be working on 3 different projects, including one involving listeria.”