Dorm Recipes: The Iron Edition
Picture from // Hawaiian Ham Quesadilla
September 5, 2016
Are you tired of the cafeteria food already? Or are you missing dinner because of extracurricular activities? Well, not to worry! I’ve started “Dorm Recipes”, a weekly blog featuring dishes you can easily make in the comfort of your own dorm! No more will you have to fear finding metal in your food, or drinking out of lipstick-crusted cups!
Recipe for this week:
Turkey and Cheese Quesadilla
Ingredients/Items needed:
*Sliced deli meat (turkey was used)
*Cheese of preference (American Cheese was used)
*Vegetable spread
*An approved Clothes Iron
*Aluminum foil

Step 1) Turn on clothes iron
Step 2) Assemble deli meat and cheese onto one half of the tortilla

Step 3) Close tortilla by folding in half and then spread the vegetable spread onto both sides of the tortilla
Step 4) Wrap the quesadilla in aluminum foil

Step 5) Place the iron on the aluminum foil surface and cook for approximately 4-5 minutes, or until tortilla is golden brown
Step 6) Unwrap and add your choice of vegetables (optional) and enjoy
Vasu • Sep 24, 2016 at 8:54 am
Do non approved clothes irons work? Cause I’m afraid I don’t have an approved one.