Outbreak at MSMS: Ants


Wrishija Roy

Ants found in a student’s closet.

Wrishija Roy, Asst. Entertainment Editor

Much is done to ensure that the residence halls at MSMS are a clean and sanitary living environment, particularly with the newly implemented work service system and the previous lobby and wing cleaning assignments. However, a number of students in Goen Hall have recently had encounters with insects. Some have experienced near infestations within the last few weeks.

Many girls found ants in their rooms as early as move-in day. Most say that the bugs come from the ceiling or window area; others have been found coming from vents, pipes in the bathrooms, and closet floors. Some girls report seeing them come out of holes in the walls. These infestations are currently still an issue with the ants periodically appearing in the affected rooms.

Junior Desmyon Jones says, “We’ve had to deal with thousands since move-in. Ms. Latoya, our hall director, gave us Raid and ant spray, but they keep coming back.”

Other students have given similar accounts, saying that the RAs provided bug spray, but it hasn’t been the best solution. Students have used quick fixes from bleach and Clorox wipes to Febreeze, hairspray and steamers.

Senior Ariel Williams says, “My trash can was so infested that it was easier to throw it out than to clean it.” Others have had to throw numerous food items. Williams also says, “I found them in my textbooks. I even found them in my bed, and I had to sleep on my floor one night.”

Another senior, Savannah Poe, recounts finding ants in her backpack and her shower and sink. A fellow junior found ants had climbed inside of her coffeemaker.

Senior Jenny Nguyen remembers finding “a plethora of ants traveling in masses and trails” after emissary move-in, the result of a painter apparently leaving behind an open can of soda over the summer. Other students think that the ants are traveling down through the floors, a theory further validated by having three suites with major ant problems located on top of each other.

Aside from the ants, students have reported finding an abundant number of crickets and cockroaches in the dorms, even when compared to last year. Staff members say that exterminators will be coming to the residence halls the upcoming extended weekend.