Residence Life Staff Gains Five New Members

Calisa Henry, Writer

One of the biggest transitions of moving from a “normal” high school to MSMS is the residential setting. A lot of people may say high school students are not ready to live away from their parents, but what these people do not see are the “home away from home” parents of the dorm. The residential life staff are some of the most important people here at MSMS. Not only do they watch over the students and keep us safe, but they also provide us with support in our transition to such a different environment.

This year, our residence halls gained five new staff members, three work in Goen Hall and two in Frazier Hall. Jessica Trigg is the new Community Leader in Goen Hall. She is a MSMS alumnae from the Class of 2006. This position is held by a full time professional staff member who will always be there to help students out in any way possible. Goen and Frazier each gained two new Residence Assistants (RAs) this year. In Goen, these ladies are Miraculas Clemons and Gabrielle Goodloe, who are both students at MUW. In Frazier Hall, new staff are Christian Bradley and Holt Rushing. Once their classes begin on August 25, they will have classes during the day and then come to the residence halls to work after 4 p.m.

Goen Hall Director Latoya Bledsoe said “We are all here as a support system. We are here to help students make that transition and create that home away from home atmosphere.”

Although different members of the Residential Life staff hold different position titles, they are all here for the same purpose: helping students adjust to the changes MSMS offers.

Ms. Latoya also referenced the Residential Life T-shirts worn on Move-In Day when discussing the new staff. As the shirts proclaim, “It takes team work to make the dream work,” it takes a team to achieve a well-organized dream society in the residence halls, she said.

“We’re all in this together,” added Ms. Latoya. All of the residential life staff is here for the same common purpose of helping students feel comfortable in this environment no matter what it takes.