Are You Ready for Prom?

Michelle Li, Sports Editor

There is no other night filled with more glitter, lace and sequins, no other night filled with more smiles and poised pictures, more hairspray and perfume. It is prom night. But surprisingly, prom was not always this glamorous. The name prom is an abbreviation of promenade, a formal parade introducing guests at a party. According to TIME magazine, prom can be traced back to small co-ed banquets that 19th century American universities held for each graduating class. Over time, this tradition was also taken up by high schools, and by the 1940s the now popular dance had completely taken over the nation’s youth.

Prom means different things to different people. Senior Raksha Chatakondi said, “Prom, to me, symbolizes the one of the last times before graduation that we’ll be together as a class, which is what should make the night even more special.”

Senior Vasu Srevatsan said, “I feel like Prom is more of a celebration of our accomplishments of the year. It’s a party where everyone dresses up and has fun for a change.”

Senior Liz Lanford said, “Prom is just part of the whole high school experience, like a milestone. You can look back upon the pictures years later and laugh at your high school memories. It’s also an excuse for girls to have fun, dress up and take lots of pictures!”

“I don’t really feel that prom has any more significance than other dances, but I like dressing up and spending more time with my friends so it’s nice to have a more formal dance like prom,” said Jenny Bobo, a senior. 

But Junior Dustin Dunaway believes the opposite. “Prom is random night of fancy meals and dresses, millions of pictures and a mediocre dance. Everyone expects something great and then it pales in comparison. Prom is a great preparation for the real world: disappointment.”

While students have varying opinions toward the event, MSMS Prom will be held on April 9 at the Lion Hills Center. The Junior Class Officers have been working to organize the vintage carnival-themed dance since the beginning of the year.