Seniors Move On Campus for Third Quarter

Elisabeth Seage, Multimedia Editor

This school year is on an odd schedule, and the juniors and seniors at MSMS have definitely had to adjust to this change. Probably the most drastic change to everyday MSMS life was residential life. For four weeks the juniors stay on campus in the dorms, and then the next four weeks the two grades swap out and the seniors move in to stay. Recently, this migration has taken place and many seniors have moved back to Columbus to make either Goen or Frazer their temporary home.

Senior Gracie Rowland of Columbus is one of those many seniors who were absent the first four weeks, but are able to come back in the last weeks of this quarter.

“I’m so excited to be on campus,” said Rowland. “I haven’t been on campus since November, so it’s so refreshing to be back with all the people I love and to be in such a comforting and structured environment”.

While this is a very odd adjustment for Rowland, she views it as a great time to focus on schoolwork and get busy with extracurriculars, as being on campus helps her study.

“I love the aspect of the community the most. It’s just so great to be around so many supportive and intelligent people who are constantly making you more ambitious and inspiring and supporting you. I am definitely more focused while on campus, the structure and comforting atmosphere help me study”.

Many juniors had to move off-campus, but some were able to stay. Jillian Snodgrass, one of the juniors allowed to stay, is very excited to be able to meet her seniors.

“I’m really happy to be here while all of the seniors are here because I have several senior friends that I’m excited to finally hang out with again. I think it really emulates the typical MSMS experience to have juniors and seniors together”.

MSMS may never go back to whatever normal previously was for the remainder of the school year, but at least many students are getting the chance to experience residential life at all.

Featured in video: Gracie Rowland and Jillian Snodgrass

Narrated and filmed by: Elisabeth Seage

Edited by: Elisabeth Seage