MSMS Students Register to Vote


Joy Carino/The Vision

Abby Perry and Jake Bozlee of the Young Democrats club help students register to vote.

Joy Carino, Copy Editor

In anticipation for the upcoming 2016 presidential election, MSMS students (who are United States citizens and turned 18 on or by Nov 8) registered to vote Jan 13. Students who registered will be eligible to vote in the Mississippi Primary on March 8 and in the Presidential Election on Nov. 8.

Volunteers from the Young Democrats club took shifts and manned the registration table in Hooper Looby. Each volunteer helped students through the process of filling out the form and created envelopes for each of the Mississippi counties. When each registering student finished a form, the volunteer would then place it into the county envelopes.

Junior Joy Payne, 16, jumped up and down in her excitement watching her friend Sarah Tierce register to vote. Payne said, “I think it’s cool that we get to participate in electing someone to run our country. It’s exciting. I’m sad I can’t do it this year.”

Senior Vasu Srevatsan, though also ineligible to vote, showed great passion in the elections. “I am angry because my family has lived in this country for the past 12 years. Even my dad has wanted to vote since he came into this country. He researched every candidate and when he found out he couldn’t vote he was really sad for a week, according to my mom.”

Despite the many juniors and few non-American citizens who were ineligible to vote, the table was very crowded during most of the day. Senior Abby Perry, who helped run the voter registration table both years, noticed the much larger turnout this year. “I helped with the booth last year, and we got excited even if just two people came to register. This year so many people registered, it’s crazy.” With the school’s three political clubs — Young Democrats, Young Republicans and Young Independents  — sponsoring a political discussion, the past week’s showing of the last presidential address, and the large voter turnout, many MSMS students are able to show their interest in politics and dedication to the upcoming presidential election.