Seniors celebrate last 100 days of high school
The Class of 2020 celebrate their 100 day mark until graduation.
February 13, 2020
After months and months of seeing the number of days until graduation on the student lounge white board, the countdown has finally reached 100. With most students anxiously awaiting their college acceptance letters, a class party was exactly what everyone needed to get them excited for the last couple months of their senior year. On Thursday, Feb.13, students gathered in Shackleford Auditorium to celebrate the last 100 days of their time at MSMS.
Senior Class Historian Cameron Thomas sent an email to the current students asking for pictures or videos of their seniors, and they did not disappoint. Additionally, juniors were asked to interview with Thomas to share memories or positive statements about their seniors. Thomas edited all the videos together to create one large bundle of memories. Dr. Morgan, Mr. Yarborough and Mrs. Koenigsburger provided cupcakes for the students, and students danced to music and sang karaoke.
Senior Class Vice President Alden Wiygul enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate the last few months of high school, and she is excited for the 100 days to come.
“It’s unbelievable that we only have 100 days left of high school. It seems like time has flown by,” Wiygul said. “I really enjoyed the cupcakes, and the slideshow was very cute. I’ll miss everyone so much next year when we go off to college.”
Linda Arnoldus reminisced on her time at MSMS and the friends she has made.

Seniors make the most of their last 100 days together.
“I loved the video and slideshow Cameron put together. It reminded me of the community we have here, and the fact that MSMS really is a family,” Arnoldus said. “It was weird to think that after 100 days I may never see some of these people again, and I’m glad I was reminded to enjoy it while it lasts.”
Cecile Roberts also enjoyed the event, and appreciated the fact that she could look back at her time at MSMS with the people she loves.
“I thought that the 100 day celebration was full of joy. Everyone there wanted to be there, and we all danced and had fun together as the countdown enters double digits,” Roberts said. “Everyone was so touched by the junior interviews. There were so many awes in the room, and everyone laughed at every video in the presentation. There was a sense of unity in the discovery that we were the senior class, and we were able to celebrate our last days together.”
The senior class’ graduation will be held on Saturday, May 23, in Rent Auditorium.