MSMS Mock Election Results
The results are in!
November 1, 2019
Students, teachers, and faculty made their voices heard in The Vision’s 2019 Mock Election, and all Democratic candidates easily won their respective elections.
Governor – Jim Hood (D)
Lt. Governor – Jay Hughes (D)
Attorney General – Jennifer Collins (D)
Secretary of State – Johnny Dupree (D)
State Treasurer – Addie Lee Green (D)
Voting Breakdown

Jim Hood (D) bested Tate Reeves (R) and the other two candidates with 113 total votes versus Reeves’ 27, Singletary’s (I) 10 and Hickingbottom’s (C) 6.

State Representative Jay Hughes (D) beat current Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann (R) 119 – 34.

Former U.S. National Guard member Jennifer Collins (D) won against Lynn Fitch (R) to become Mississippi’s first female Attorney General by a vote of 97 to 56, the closest race of the five.

Johnny Dupree (D), Mayor of Hattiesburg, won out against Michael Watson (R), 113 to 31.

Former Bolton Alderman Addie Lee Green (D) defeated Madison businessman David McRae (R) by a vote of 105 to 39.
By the Numbers
Based on exit-polling.

Hood fared fairly well among both women and men but seemed to fail at connecting with voters who identify as non-binary or other-gendered, getting beat by Reeves 2-1, though the sample size is incredibly small.
Both Jim Hood and Jay Hughes catered to teachers heavily during the election, and it shows.