Seniors Make Final Push for ACT


Allen Lin grinds out study time for the ACT test

Christian Donoho, News Editor

Students at MSMS come with ambitions of their dream careers and maybe even some extra cash to throw around later in their lives. Most people want these things but a college degree is usually somewhere in the equation.

For seniors, the pressure for college and scholarships is mounting as one of the final ACT tests of the year arrived. On October 24th, most seniors had one last chance at the ACT before the December deadlines approach for college and scholarship applications.

Because of the skyrocketing costs to attend colleges and universities, many students will either have to pay for their higher education through scholarships and grants or incur debt from student loans. This puts a lot of pressure on students who do not yet have their dream score.

With so much pressure mounting, students have worked desperately to get their desired scores. Textbooks, practice tests, and seminars are all popular ways for students to prepare for the test.

Allen Lin, an MSMS senior, says he has a lot riding on this test, “It’ll be cool knowing I’ll never have to worry about the ACT again.”

Rhet Hailey, echoed this sentiment, adding, “I’ve been studying for an hour every day for a week and a half since I have a lot riding on this test. It’s make or break for all the scholarships for most places.”

Last Monday, Thomas Richardson, an MSMS alumnus and current English teacher at New Hope High School, came to MSMS to deliver an hour-long crash course through the ACT English and reading sections. Many students attended, exploring all the resources at their disposal to improve their scores.

No matter the study tactics, students should be sure to follow the general tips that they are always told: get a good night sleep, eat breakfast, don’t stress and keep positive.