MSMS Tests Send Shock Waves to Juniors


Brianna Ladneir

Pictured from left to right: Tyler Greenlee, Kayla Patel, Calisa Henry, Dixie Jackson, John Bowlin, Briana Johnston, Sukhi Borse

Vivian Van, Writer

It is the beginning of the fourth week of school and MSMS students are swimming in assignments, mastering chemistry and tests. Now that the juniors are getting into the swing of things, MSMS gives them another challenge, their first round of tests.

Junior John Bowlin had a Latin and Properties of Matter test along with a Foundations, Cell Biology, Shakespeare and an Intro to American Film quizzes. “I’m ready to sleep,” he said, before realizing he had another commitment: “Wait, I got to go to Oxford at 6 a.m. tomorrow,” he said.

There were some juniors who were able to handle the workload. Such a junior would be Daniel Smothers who shares, “Was it [MSMS workload] chaotic? Yes. Was it hard to cope with? No.”

On the other end of the spectrum, seniors also had a strong academically challenging week. Senior Anna Klae Leland had an AP Calculus, AP physics, University English and an AP Statistics test this past week, along with papers and lab reports that were due. The advice that she gives to the juniors is that “You’re going to get used to it.”

Senior Dustin Dunaway said, “My week had its ups and downs. I went up, then down the stairs of Hooper.”

Juniors are figuring out that there is aid available to them at tutorials during the week – such as math tutors and one-on-one conversations with teachers to help understand the material better for an upcoming test. This past week is a great lesson to learn by for the many more rounds of those types of weeks to come.