The Countdown to Graduation Begins
Seniors celebrated the countdown to graduation with cake.
February 19, 2018
On Thursday, February 15, after classes had concluded for the day, the members of the Class of 2018 gathered in Shackleford Auditorium for the Senior Class Graduation Countdown Celebration.
The senior class sponsors, Dr. Morgan, Mrs. K and Mrs. Z, provided the students with blue and white cupcakes and cake. This celebration recognized the 100 days left until May 26, the day when the seniors will walk the stage.
As soon as it seemed that all students were in attendance, Dr. Morgan made a quick announcement. She congratulated the students on reaching this milestone, and also took this opportunity to encourage students to make only good choices until they have crossed the stage.
Students enjoyed their treats among their classmates. Although these students have only known each other since their junior years, a short time compared to a typical high school, the bonds that exist between them is obvious in their presence.
An occasion like this causes many students to reflect on their time at this school so far.
“MSMS has been an incredible experience and I hope these last one hundred days yield as many memories as the last three semesters have,” senior Drew Lindsay shared.
“I always love to see all of my classmates in the same place at the same time. It still doesn’t seem real that graduation is 100 days away. I’m nervous about entering the real world, but excited about starting a new chapter of my life,” said Vivia Davis, another senior in attendance.
“The cupcakes kind of reminded me of how sweet the memories from MSMS were and how the people laughing beside me are the people that I will forever cherish,” senior Kamal Bhalla noted.
For the Class of 2018, this event was a time to celebrate a quickly approaching departure from a school and classmates that they have grown close to over the past two years, a reflection on their experiences and memories gained here, and a reminder to hold onto these last one hundred days that are so quickly passing by.

Treats for the Class of 2018