The Cold 2018
Sarena Patel, Likhitha Polepalli, and Helen Peng enjoy taking photos in the snow in front of Mary Wilson.
January 22, 2018
Monday, Jan. 15 ended with a glorious email from Dr. Germain McConnell saying class was canceled on Tuesday. Like many students, as soon as I read the email at 11:22 PM, I turned my alarm off for sleeping in, and joyous screaming echoed through the Goen halls. I knew the next day would be filled with snowball fights, Webb’s army, and scary movies.
With the help of junior Sarena Patel, a large snowball fight was started with other students. MSMS students walking by joined in. Smiles and laughter were shared with each other. Sarena and I both agreed that “it was fun hitting people in the face with snow,” which is fun unless you are mainly on the receiving end. With each ball thrown, we grew closer and closer, while our raw, frozen hands grew redder and redder. From those fights, I learned one lesson: always enter a fight expecting to get hit in the face a couple of times. It was harsh to receive cold hits to the money-maker causing it to feel numb. Some moments, it felt as though my face would never feel again.
The cold temperature was so rough on our bodies that many times I was forced to retreat back inside and meet up with junior Deja Hughes. Like Deja, who commented saying, “It was pretty chill. I walked around and drew stuff in the snow and sat out in the snow with Powers,” I decided to spend most of the morning out walking about in the frigid snow. When retreating into the warmth of Goen lobby, Deja, Powers, Lauren and I played UNO. The two games I joined intensified with each round. All was well until Powers wrote in his own rule and placed a “draw fourteen” card. Friends turned on friends. Like wolves, we stacked plus twos on plus twos.
After looking at the clock and winning UNO, I had to run to lunch. The room was filled with Webb Abernethy look-alikes. Webb Abernethy, an MSMS junior, usually wears an MSMS lab coat and “#1 mom” or “#1 grandpa” baseball cap. Because our Tuesday snow day landed on Spirit Week’s “twin day,” Webb and his twins met up for lunch. This made dressing alike easy. It was nice to join in on the fun of dressing up for twin day; it made Webb smile, probably because he had many friends who wanted to be his twin. Lunch was filled with loud chatter, followed by a picture of all the Webbs.
From Webb look-alikes to scary movies, my roommate, Likhitha Polepalli, and Sarena Patel were watching “Annabelle,” a disturbing doll movie. When I returned to do homework, I came into a room filled with screaming girls. We watched movies while doing homework for the rest of the night.
What did you do on your snow day?
- Absolutely nothing productive (43%, 6 Votes)
- Have a snowball fight!!! (21%, 3 Votes)
- Homework? (21%, 3 Votes)
- Sleep duh. (14%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 14

That is how I spent my snow day. My advice for the next snow day whether it is this year or next, to sleep in and order pizza because Papa John’s will deliver. Have fun playing in the snow and protect your face from the incoming wave of ice.