Mrs. Leonard Joins MSMS Teaching Staff
Mrs. Michelle Leonard, second from left, is the newest member of the MSMS Biology and Chemistry departments. The former Columbus High teacher demonstrates media preparation to Hannah Hardwick, from left, Connor McNamee and Lauren Scott.
August 21, 2015
Coaching kids and high school swimmers led MSMS’s new Biology and Chemistry teacher to pursue her teaching career.
Mrs. Michelle Leonard, in her first year, is excited to be teaching Human Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, and Properties of Matter. A graduate of Colorado State University, Mrs. Leonard earned her bachelor’s degree in Microbiology and her master’s degree in Toxicology.
A native of Colorado, Mrs. Leonard comes to MSMS after a stint at Columbus High School. “I knew about the school, but I didn’t learn anything about it until several of my students at Columbus High applied,” she said.
“I really like it here so far. It’s fun and nice to work with kids who have motivation,” she said, describing herself as the type of student who would have attended MSMS.
Many would consider her favorite subject to teach intimidating, as it is Human Infectious Diseases, but she expressed excitement for it and her other two courses.
The Center for Disease Control reported in 2014 that 6,476 West Africans died from Ebola, a disease that Mrs. Leonard finds most interesting. “I just think it’s crazy that something that small can affect so much,” said Leonard.
She says that her favorite bacterium is the deadly Clostridium botulinum, which is mostly known for its use in Botox and hand in the disease, Botulism. Her favorite element is Carbon, saying, “It’s the basis of every organic thing.”
Mrs. Leonard is currently rereading Game of Thrones, and if you see her around campus with earbuds in, it is likely that she is listening to anything by Imagine Dragons.