Future Business Leaders of America Recruit New Members
President Brianna Ladnier welcomes juniors to join the Future Business Leaders of America.
August 28, 2017
FBLA’s basis is changing the lives of students and the rest of the world. FBLA stands for Future Business Leaders of America and it is one of the largest business organizations in the United States.
This non-profit organization helps students transition into the business world through competitions throughout the year. FBLA’s purpose is “to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through the innovative leadership and career development programs.”
The competitions have different categories that students could enter and compete in. Students that attend these competitions go through months of preparation so that they’ll come out of the competitions as champions. When asked what category she was interested in Anna James said, “I don’t know what exact category I’m interested in, but I’m excited to begin getting prepared.”
Being a part of FBLA opens up many opportunities. Many colleges give scholarships just for participating in FBLA and there are often money prizes that students can win at the competitions.
President Brianna Ladnier says, “The amount of work you put in, is the amount you get out. So work hard and do your best and you’ll come out with a great feeling, win or lose.”