A Quest for QuestBridge
Dr. Stevens tells his audience one of his routine jokes during the QuestBridge information session.
August 28, 2017
Founded on the idea of connecting low-income, high-achieving students with one of its 39 partner colleges around the country, QuestBridge has opened up its application to a new season of determined seniors looking to overcome hardships and obstacles on their way to a higher education. Gathered in Hooper auditorium last Wednesday were some of those seniors looking to learn more about the full, four-year scholarship.
The QuestBridge National College Match program requires each applicant to submit a list of rankings of up to 12 colleges from the 39 partner colleges that the students wants to be matched with.
Last school year, three MSMS students were matched to schools affiliated with Questbridge: Mickel Sandifer who went to Oberlin College, Jalen Perry who went to the University of Southern California, and Jhade Jordan who went to Washington and Lee University.
The application is generally described as a long and complicated process with a decent amount of work at the beginning of the school year, given the rapidly approaching deadline in early September.
Dr. Heath Stevens is one of two guidance counselors who are carefully guiding the applicants.
“The QuestBridge application is an intensive and convoluted process,” Dr. Stevens stated. “It’s slightly like the Common App, but not only that, you also have to submit your tax documents at the same time.”
One of the rewarding benefits of going through the arduous process and being matched is that by December, the applicant will have known where he or she is going to college with a stress-free shoulder knowing that it is all paid for.
If an applicant is not matched, however, it does not mean efforts were wasted. The student will have the option of forwarding the application to partner colleges through the QuestBridge Regular Decision to be considered for regular admission.
The student can still also be considered from lucrative scholarships from the partner colleges in the spring semester.
Through his experience as a guidance counselor, Dr. Tylon Crook speaks on his appreciation for such a program like QuestBridge.
“I think it’s a great opportunity to get an outstanding college education without incurring any expenses that could saddle them after graduation,” Dr. Crook stated.
To students who are considering applying, Dr. Crook advises them to “not compare themselves to those who got it in previous years. Focus on yourself, your family situation and your story.”