MSMS Reviews Job Applicants
MSMS is currently reviewing applications for a math teacher and a biology/chemistry teacher.
March 20, 2017
With two new job vacancies available for the positions of Mathematics teacher and Biology/Chemistry teacher, applications have been rolling in for the administration to review.
MSMS is looking for teachers with a passion for spreading knowledge, a willingness to engage in all of the outreach opportunities and will “fit” to uphold the mission of the institution.
Mathematics teacher Lauren Zarandona explains her expectations for a new faculty member.
“I know from the math side of things that we’re looking for a faculty member who we could work well with, who knows the content and really wants to teach kids from Mississippi who are looking for a good education,” Zarandona says.
The review process is very intensive, but it is an important act. Bill Odom, science teacher, explains his role in the application review process.
“I am part of the committee that reviews the applications, interviews the applicants, and then has to be present when they teach a lesson. Then the committee discusses afterwards about who we think was the best,” Odom explains.
The students at MSMS hold their education at a high level of importance, which is a significant element to consider when choosing future teachers.
MSMS counselor, Dr. Health Stevens, describes the steps the school takes to carefully choose the best options for their students.
“As one might imagine, MSMS takes its faculty positions very seriously because we strive to provide the best educational experiences in the entire state. Because of that fact, we have a very extensive screening process for new hires. Whenever there is an opening, a committee is created that includes various members of the MSMS community including the current faculty in the discipline of the open position and often other faculty and staff pertinent to the job. The committee reviews the extensive applications and educational transcripts thoroughly, and then recommendations are made on whom to interview. Interviews typically include teaching a lesson to students in addition to answering a series of vetted questions; interviewees are also given a tour of our facilities and an opportunity to meet with administrators. References are checked, and recommendations are made to the administration for the final hires,” Stevens says.
Students are allowed opportunities to be a part of the review process by attending the class the applicant teaches, asking questions, and providing comments on the potential teacher’s teaching styles. The potential faculty candidates are then given tours of the facility by the Director for Academic Affairs.