Elle McKenzie’s Journey with QuestBridge
Elle McKensie assists in an activity about integers in a math outreach program through MSMS.
April 25, 2016
Last December, MSMS senior Elle McKenzie learned that she would be attending Vassar College in New York for free through the QuestBridge program. Four other MSMS senior discovered that they would also be attending college for free: Sara Conwell, Sasha Edwards, Gregory Thompson and Isaiah Williams.
McKenzie heard of the program through fellow senior Vasu Srevatsan; QuestBridge is a non-profit organization that mediates between accelerated, low-income students and partner colleges. Students complete extensive applications for QuestBridge, and they become QuestBridge finalists if they are accepted by the program.
Once this happens, finalists are asked to rank up to 12 partner colleges that they would like to compete for and attend. If the colleges accept those students in return, the students attend the highest college that accepted them on their ranked list for free.
McKenzie found MSMS a great factor in her success. She said, “I was more aware of the opportunities that were out there for me. I had more access to resources that helped study for standardized tests. I became more competitive and motivated to succeed at MSMS.”
McKenzie’s favorite part about MSMS has been the residential aspect. “At MSMS, I have made some of the best friends. Living close to classmates brought a new element of community,” she said.
Despite her love for MSMS, McKenzie is excited for her future at Vassar College. She explained, “I look forward to being in a new place. I have never lived up North. I think that would be a exciting a new opportunity. Also, Vassar has an open curriculum which means that I will have the opportunity to take classes that are outside of my comfort zone and explore my interests.”
McKenzie will be majoring in either chemistry or biochemistry with a minor in German. She plans on entering the agriculture or food industry after college.