Club on the Rise: MSMS Volleyball Club

Photo and graphic by West Givens
Christian Donoho dabbing towards a flaming volleyball.
April 18, 2016
At the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science, students can find more than 50 extracurricular to participate in, and, when the club being searched for does not exist, it can be created. Junior Angella Osinde is the president of a newly established, but unofficial Volleyball Club. The club is currently searching for a sponsor to help them become official.
“I chose to create Volleyball Club to continue playing a sport which I had played in my previous school and wanted to continue playing,” Osinde said. Osinde played volleyball in her years leading up to her attendance at MSMS and felt that it was something that she wanted to see continued here. There were multiple girls talking about how they played or would like to play volleyball so Osinde decided to take action.
“Seeing that there was interest, I went ahead and sent a mass (e-mail), and we’ve been practicing ever since late November,” Osinde said.
“I think the members of the club have the dedication and discipline capable of making a great team. We are already close and comfortable with communicating with each other, which makes for great play on the court,” Osinde said. The volleyball team is currently preparing for a scrimmage game with Columbus High School on May 7, and a Student vs Teacher game that has been rescheduled.
“This is my last year here at MSMS. I joined the volleyball club because I felt that it would be a new experience to remember from senior year,” said Senior Sara Conwell.
Conwell joined the volleyball team in hopes of learning a new sport. She felt that by joining a growing team, she would be able to learn along with others and not feel left out of the learning process.
“I am not really all that good at volleyball, but I hope that by the time I graduate, I will have learned the basics and can enjoy playing volleyball as an extracurricular in college,” Conwell said. Conwell has high hopes for the volleyball team and wishes them luck for the future.
The team aims to gain experience this year and become an official club-competing team by next season.