Was the Rave a rave?
Picture of MSMS students at the 2016 MSMS Glow in the Dark Rave
April 4, 2016
This year’s Glow in the Dark Rave promised many things according to students; but, the question is, “Did it deliver?” On April 2, the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science held its annual Rave in Shackelford Auditorium at 9 p.m. Students noticed that many complications arose from holding a dance on this date: Interview Day activities, Temple Height’s tours and prom preparations held many reasons for students to be absent from the dance. However the turnout was fairly substantial for the first 30 minutes or so before numbers began to dwindle in accordance for most MSMS activity socials.
Laurel Lancaster, an emissary who played host to more than 100 MSMS hopefuls a mere hour before the night’s rave said, “Sometimes you have to relax and make time for yourself.”
In accordance with the dance’s glow in the dark theme, students were encouraged to wear relating paraphernalia with a $5 reward to the most decorated glower. The students answered this monetary call with vigor and displayed glowing rings, bracelets, headbands and belts. One of the most popular items included a three-piece set with a pair of glasses, a necklace and ears — dubbed “The Panda” look by several MSMSers.
Ayana Gordon, a junior who sported this trendy look stated, “Best dance of the year.”
Even though her set was very popular, the highest decorated MSMSer was Shamarcus Doty who sported light up christmas tree lights.The students’ outfits seemed to be the dance’s focal point with the drinks and music receiving mixed reviews.
Ayana Love, the dance’s Dj, said, “Raves are LIFE!”
The refreshments consisted of only Pepsi to the chagrin of many. Unlike previous dances where water was provided, this one seemed to lack the MSMS essential drink of dances, according to some.
Junior Ryan Hopson said, “The dance was a great stress reliever and an exciting way to spend time with my friends. Hope I can earn wellness again like that in the future.”
As one of the last MSMS socials before prom and the Last Chance Dance, many MSMS students are asking what it takes to make a dance successful. Some say the music was not great, there were not enough drinks or it was too hot. Statements like this make us question the ingredients needed to make a dance worth attending. As opportunities dwindle to spend time with fellow classmates, most students instead consider these dances as not just subpar socials but times to make memories with classmates.