Physics Classes Visit Laboratory and Nuclear Reactor
MSMS Modern Physics and Physics C classes with Mr. William Funderburk.
March 29, 2016
MSMS Modern Physics and Physics C classes embarked on a March 20th journey to see the reactors and research facilities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the TVA’s Sequoyah Nuclear Reactor as well as Ruby Falls. The classes were accompanied by Physics Department Instructors Dr. Charles Vaughan, Jed Leggett and William Funderburk
In the annual trip, the group first travelled to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. The group toured the X-10 graphite reactor, the spallation neutron source, the high-flux isotope reactor and the high powered processing center. The facility was the beginning site for the Manhattan Project and, in the 1940s, only appeared on military maps.

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
“I felt like it was one of the most informative field trips I’ve ever taken. Because I got to see and experience first hand the type of work that they do to push mankind’s knowledge, I have been inspired to potentially pursue and internship there this summer,” Tyler Etheridge said.
The group went to the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant before ending their journey with a trip to Ruby Falls, an underground waterfall located in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Nathan Barlow said, “I really enjoyed seeing the complexity of the reactors and the facilities. It was also nice to get out of school for a period of time.”