MSMS Students Achieve Major Scholarships
credit: Mississippi State University and Malboro College
C C D M M +7 General Info Type Image Size 203 KB (207,807 bytes) Storage used 0 bytesOwned by someone else Location 3/21 Owner Christian Donoho Modified 4:46 PM by Christian Donoho Opened 5:05 PM by me Created 4:44 PM Description Finkel will be attending Mississippi State University at no cost while Creel will be attending Malboro College with no tuition.
March 21, 2016
A major aspect of an MSMS student’s senior year is acquiring the scholarships necessary to make college affordable. Though there are student loans and need-based scholarships, there are also scholarships awarded for hard work ethic and intelligence MSMS has no shortage of these students ready to earn merit-based scholarships and with $22 million in scholarship offers for the class of 2015, this year’s seniors are looking to reach this goal.
Students like Bram Finkel and Anna Creel have received scholarships based on their academic success.
Creel is attending Malboro College in Vermont and has won the Renaissance Scholarship given by the university.
“In order to apply, you have to demonstrate why you think you’re a renaissance scholar through writing an essay and presenting other materials such as photos, videos, newspaper articles, etc. that show you as being involved in the community and bringing something new and creative to the school,” Creel said.
“For example, I talked about my work with the GSA, cleaning up the parks in Columbus and my love for performing arts and provided photos, video and articles from The Vision that mentioned some of the work I’ve done,” she said.
Creel’s scholarship guarantees all tuition expenses paid, around $40,000 annually, for her four years at the college.
Finkel is staying closer to home and attending Mississippi State University with the Toyota- Haley Barbour Scholarship. “This scholarship is a big deal because now I don’t have to worry about being in debt after finishing my four-year degree. First I had to be selected to apply, apply by writing an essay, and then get interviewed with 10 to 15 other finalists.”
The scholarship will be bringing Finkel around $8,000 per semester, guaranteeing an all-expenses paid ride through his four years at MSU.
As the months progress toward graduation, and senior students look for their future schools, they will also be searching for more ways to fund their higher education and acquire more scholarships.