MSMS Drama Club is preparing a modern, musical adaption of William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” with juniors Althea Wells and John Broome cast as leads Viola and Duke Orsino, respectively.
Public shows are expected on April 27-28, said Drama Club Co-President Adair Gaines.
“We’re hoping people from the Mississippi University for Women and Columbus, and MSMS students and alumni will come to see it,” Gaines said.
Although the play is altered from the original, Dramatic Performance teacher Laura Stewart said performers are keeping the integral parts while changing pieces to allow the cast to shine.
“Much of Shakespeare’s original language remains, so it will be a good challenge for our actors to think through the language and to interpret it in a way that will make total sense for our audience,” Stewart said. “I think we are all excited for the opportunity to showcase not only the acting ability of our cast, but also their singing and dancing skills by making it a musical.”
Auditions, held in February, were packed with over 40 students, now all participating in the production. Weekly rehearsals recently began, with the new cast by blocking, running lines and learning choreography.
“It was a little shocking, to be honest, that we had that many talented singers. The acting portion was also very well done,” said Gaines. “We had a good mix of voices and actors, so we have a well-rounded ensemble.”
“We began our rehearsal process with a full cast read-through so everyone has a grasp of the plot and the show as a whole. [Barham] held music rehearsals for our singers and instrumentalists,” Stewart said. “Now, we work on scene-by-scene acting rehearsals where we work on blocking, lines and acting techniques.”
Broome, who plays Duke Orsino, said he is looking forward to performing.
“I can’t wait to become better friends with my fellow cast members,” Broome said. “I haven’t been involved with Drama Club previously, so I’m getting to hang out with a lot of really great people that I haven’t been around before.”
Stewart said she is confident the cast’s hard work will pay off in the upcoming performances.
“We have a lot of work to do, but it is a process filled with fun and opportunities for creativity,” she said. “The show is going to be fantastic — absolutely worth all the hard work!”