The Eyes of MSMS

The Vision

The Eyes of MSMS

The Vision

The Eyes of MSMS

The Vision

4 juniors reflect on their first year at MSMS

Photo by Langston Smith
The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science sign stands in front of Mary Wilson, home to administration at MSMS. Juniors reflect on their first-year experience.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in the May print edition but remains relevant despite its delayed online publication.

After their first year at MSMS, four rising seniors — Jaidyn Bryant, Yaerim Choi, Charlie Elliot and Priscilla Garcia — reflect on the highs and lows of their junior year.

Q: What has been the best part of your first year at MSMS?

“The best thing so far has been learning about who I am not, and what I’m really good or bad at,” Bryant said.

“Meeting interesting people,” Garcia said.

“Probably the gym,” Elliott said.

“Being away from home and meeting people who aren’t from my hometown,” Choi said.

Q: What has been the hardest adjustment?

“The schedule has been hard. It’s a lot different from my other high school,” Bryant said.

“Chemistry,” Garcia said.

“Having roommates and suitemates for the first time. It’s been hard to adjust to things like waiting for the shower in the mornings,” Elliott said.

“Dealing with some of those new people I met,” Choi said.

Q: How would you describe your MSMS experience so far in one word?

“Introspective,” Bryant said.

“Odd,” Garcia said.

“Tough,” Elliott said.

“Nerve,” Choi said.

Q: Who, if anyone, has had the biggest impact on you this year at MSMS?

“Dr. Thomas Easterling,” Bryant said.

“Taylor Swift,” Garcia said

“I’ve got to say: Mr. Barnard,” Elliott said.

“The person who’s had the biggest impact on me is Vivian Peng,” Choi said. “She’s a senior, and she’s one of the most compassionate people I’ve ever met.”

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Langston Smith, Staff Writer
Langston Smith is a junior from Cleveland. He enjoys being part of The Vision so he has actual things to write about. During his ever-shrinking free time, he likes to watch movies and drink tea from a Keurig. His only plan for the future is to not stress about it.

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