MSMS Students Witness a Legend
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin answers audience questions at Mississippi State University.
February 15, 2016
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to set foot beyond our planet and walk on the moon, came to Mississippi State University on Feb. 9 to speak about his life and accomplishments.
The 86-year-old astronaut took to the stage in front of hundreds of people, including MSMS students, to speak about his life with the aid of pictures projected onto a stage. The audience saw how he was born to a father who was part of the U.S. Air Force during the first years of aviation. Following in his father’s footsteps, Aldrin joined the Air Force and flew combat missions during the Korean War.
It was not until after his time in the service that Aldrin decided to complete his education and get his doctorate degree. He wrote his thesis on manned orbital rendezvous. It was during this time, that Aldrin began work in NASA’s new space program. Aldrin participated in the Gemini missions to put men into orbit and to complete space walks before the culmination of his career with the Apollo program and landing on the moon.
MSMS social studies teacher Julie Heintz chaperoned the group of students for the chance to see Aldrin at Lee Hall. Among these students were Griffin Emerson and Jake Bozlee. Emerson, a junior, “It’s remarkable to be in the presence of a man who rode a whale shark at the age of 80, much less a man who walked on the moon. Since Aldrin did both of those things, I was completely blown away.” Bozlee, a senior, said, “I thought he was interesting and it was nice getting to hear his less commonly known stories about his trip to the moon. He seemed energetic and active for his age and it appeared that he still enjoys an active life.”
Indeed, Aldrin mentioned many of his new hobbies that came after the Apollo missions. The astronaut found himself in the grips of depression and alcoholism shortly after his return to Earth. However, with the support of his friends and family, he was able to completely overcome these ills. Today, Aldrin enjoys scuba diving around the world and heading space advocacy organizations dedicated to educating the public on the importance of space exploration.
You can follow Buzz Aldrin on instagram @drbuzzaldrin.