Students dress up for FPA Awareness Week
Courtesy of MSMS Future Physicians of America
MSMS’s Future Physicians of America (FPA) kicked off fourth quarter with themed dress-up days for students to educate themselves and others on various health conditions.
April 2, 2021
After a relaxing spring break came the start of the fourth quarter, and MSMS’s Future Physicians of America (FPA) created an engaging way to spread awareness for various health issues through a dress-up week.
Students both on campus and off donned colorful outfits each day to spread awareness and educate themselves on health conditions that affect MSMS students, parents, faculty and people around the world.
The dress-up days were as follows:
Monday: blue or green for Brain Injury Awareness
Tuesday: blue for American Diabetes Day
Wednesday: red for Red Cross Awareness
Thursday: orange for Multiple Sclerosis Awareness
Friday: rainbow for Nutrition Awareness
Senior and FPA member Aabha Mantri believed that the dress-up week brought a sense of unity to the MSMS community through showing support for those affected by the many conditions represented in the Awareness Week.
“We wanted to bring light to these health conditions as many members of the MSMS family know of people (family, friends, etc.) who are affected by these conditions on a daily basis,” Mantri said. “By encouraging the student body to dress up, we were able to educate more, which was the ultimate goal.”
FPA President Madison Meeks and Vice President Raeed Kabir felt that the Awareness Week would allow students to gain a deeper insight into certain diseases and conditions that people may not be well-versed in.
“The reasons I wanted to host the FPA Awareness Week were pretty simple. Firstly, I wanted FPA to shine light to some of the diseases and conditions we often hear about but don’t really think about on the daily basis, and with social media being such an integral part of our lives, I thought what I better why to shed awareness than by using social media to express our solidarity,” Meeks said. “Secondly, I wanted to get FPA back active. It is no secret that a lot of clubs have been hit with a wave of inactivity due to covid-19 and the residential rotation schedule. Social media has connected us all, so I knew this was something everyone could get behind to support and be involved with FPA.”
“Immediately, I saw it as an opportunity for the MSMS community to become more aware of some of the ailments and major health topics that people our age really need to be exposed to: clearing up the types of diabetes, what multiple sclerosis is, how to eat healthy and so on,” Kabir said. “I was overjoyed to see people wearing that day’s color. It meant something more than wearing a blue shirt to me. It meant people were acknowledging the health concerns that affect so many Americans.”
Meeks also revealed that the Awareness Week will not end alongside March, but it will continue each month until the school year ends.
“I am so excited to say that FPA actually plans on doing an awareness week each month for the rest of the school year. Now more than ever, it is important to advocate for those who can’t advocate for themselves and support everyone– in spite of difference, or in this case, various health conditions, diseases and syndromes. I hope that as FPA continues to spread awareness, participation as well as support from the student body will increase.”