Pumpkin carving contest rekindles Halloween spirit
Alex Bozeman’s two pumpkin carvings tied for first place (one pictured above).
November 2, 2020
While many students were bummed over the effect COVID-19 had on the traditional MSMS Halloween festivities, the Plant Club gave students a chance to get into the Halloween spirit by hosting a pumpkin carving competition.
Students had until October 29 to carve or decorate the coolest, creepiest and most creative pumpkin they could, with the winner receiving the title of Halloween King/Queen/Ruler. Plant club co-presidents, Lily Langstaff and Abby Strain, helmed the competition and were glad to have more participants compared to the inaugural contest last October.
“We did a pumpkin carving contest last year, but the turnout was very small, so we were happy to see more students participate this year,” Langstaff said.
Strain and Langstaff encouraged participants to exercise their creativity and one glance at the submissions shows they did just that. From a handsome Squidward to traditional jack-o-lanterns, a broad range of artistry was on display, totaling seven entries in all.

Students looking for something fun and festive to do this October entered an array of pumpkins, from carved to painted. Junior and contest winner Alex Bozeman described how the contest saved the Halloween spirit for them this fall.
“I’m generally a very festive person when it comes to Halloween,” Bozeman said. ”That spirit quickly became a struggle to obtain this year since Halloween has been teetering on the edge of happening and not happening.”
Bozeman felt that the competition did a lot to rejuvenate the Halloween vibe.
“I spent three hours carving my pumpkins and every minute reminded me of my love for the holiday,” Bozeman said.
Whether students participated in the contest or admired other’s carvings from afar, the competition certainly helped many to get in the Halloween spirit this year. Langstaff and Strain both hope the event will continue to grow and live on in years to come.
“I hope that students enjoy the effort Plant Club officers have put into this instead of dismissing it as another bothersome mass email,” Strain said.