‘Teenage Bounty Hunters’: Your new Netflix binge

“Teenage Bounty Hunters” features two high school students who fall into the lifestyle of bounty hunting in hopes of paying off their damaged vehicle.
August 24, 2020
With a name like “Teenage Bounty Hunters,” you would probably expect Netflix’s newest original show to be simple and cliché, continuing its reputation for overdramatic and unrealistic teen shows. Although it certainly has its overdramatic moments, “Teenage Bounty Hunters” ends up being surprisingly funny, sweet and self-aware.
Twins Blair (Anjelica Bette Fellini) and Sterling Wesley (Maddie Philips) “borrow” their dad’s car and crash it into a criminal running away from bounty hunter Bowser (Kadeem Harrison). Bowser decides to take them under his wing so that Sterling and Blair can earn enough money to fix their commandeered vehicle.
Centering a story around a pair of siblings can have a lot of challenges; if they are too friendly it’s unrealistic, and if they fight all the time it’s too repetitive. But Fellini and Philips create an impressive sibling dynamic that anchors the show and make it fun to watch. The chemistry between overachieving Sterling and thrill-seeking, commitment-free Blair is striking as they struggle to figure out how to catch criminals and deal with their own secrets they gradually uncover.
The twins attend a prestigious Catholic school in the suburbs of Atlanta where they are surrounded by other rich, white, and straight Catholics. The show is comically self-aware of this fact and pokes fun at traditional religious and Southern culture. The twins are a mix of Gen-Z freedom and the cultural and religious traditions that come from their parents, friends and school. As the show progresses, Sterling and Blair, in their own unique ways, navigate problems that come from both sides of this life.
One of the big sources of turmoil in Sterling and Blair’s lives are their relationships. Sterling has been dating the same boy for nine years and they are about to get a lot closer than the Catholic church would like. She is also trying to hold her position as worship leader while ruthless mean girl April, a proud member of the Straight-Straight alliance, does everything she can to get her way. Sterling tries as hard as she can to adhere to her family’s Christian faith while also trying to live her life as a modern teenager.
Blair, on the other hand, is the self-proclaimed “bad twin,” as she bounces between boys, calls out her racist grandparents and tries to separate herself from her family’s digressions. Together, the two contradictory twins push each other out of their comfort zones and grow together as people. The show tries to prove something that many women have known for a long time: religion and womanhood aren’t mutually exclusive.
Overall, “Teenage Bounty Hunters” satisfies all the requirements to become your next weekend binge. It’s funny, cute, romantic, and clever, and it makes fun of all the right people (aka rich, wealthy, white bigots). It has the right combination of crime drama, teenage drama and family drama. The characters are charming but also more than a little dumb, you know, like any normal teenager. And through their dumb mistakes, they discover who they really are.