Sutton: The Progressive fight is over
The progressives have been fighting tooth and nail for their time in the spotlight.
March 26, 2020
In the beginning, there were 25.
Twenty-five Democratic hopefuls with their eyes on the prized executive seat. Over the past year, this motley crew of millionaires, former executives and congressmen have duked it out on stage for the world to see. Health care, gun control and overarching racial tensions were at the center of each of their campaign platforms, and the progressives have been fighting tooth and nail for their time in the spotlight.
In the beginning, the odds for the moderates seemed insurmountable with the most popular ideologies espoused by progressives such as Sanders, Yang and Warren. People talked down about the moderates, calling members of the race such as Biden or even the dreaded Bloomberg, out of touch old fogies, and everyone was sure that one of these hopeful progressives would sweep the nation’s delegates. And then they didn’t. Yang dropped after two contests. Warren quit after a pitiful early performance in the primaries. And Sanders, the final progressive, is floating on his own slowly sinking island of support from college kids and socialists.
The fact is that Democratic Party liked some of the ideas that the progressive candidates this election came up with. Expansion of social welfare programs, Universal Basic Income, radical gun control, free healthcare and college tuition: all heavily progressive policies that were somewhat liked in the Democrat political arena. But the proof that lies in this proverbial pudding is that the majority of working Americans are deathly afraid of progressives. Not because of their ideas–no, many would agree that these issues should be addressed–but because middle-class Americans like their lives just how they are.
The progressives proposed drastic changes this election, and, even though they got positive feedback on their stances, people do not really want that level of change. The American people need gradual change to their lives because in reality many do not want theirs to change very much. The all-at-once brand new course that many of the progressives have been proposing may be strong and well-intended, but the American middle class is not ready for that.
That leaves two options for a president, and they both fit the same political bill. Biden, despite the protesting of the American college-age voters, will get the Democratic nomination. Biden will win this nomination because while Bernie has the college level voters and some of the progressive states, Biden literally has everyone else.
But the funny thing is that for the Democratic party to find a suitable candidate that could beat the current President, they had to cut a candidate from the same cloth as their enemy. Biden, an old, white male from the top 1 percent with questionable economic practices, when compared with Trump, it is like looking in a mirror. The only thing that Biden has going for him is the support of the black community, which is funny because the man is just as racist as Trump is. The only difference between the two would be the policies that would occur if they were elected. If Trump is re-elected, we would have four more years of the constant controversial media buffet that we have had since 2016. If Biden is elected we would have four years of attempted Obama-era administration but, just like all the vice presidents that rode the coattails of their former running mate, their attempt would be less effective and more depressing.