Capitol Day: a student’s perspective
26 MSMS students traveled to Jackson to meet with state legislatures.
February 6, 2020
This Wednesday, Feb. 5, 26 students and I traveled to the Mississippi State Capitol to represent MSMS and meet our legislators. Therefore, this tradition is called Capitol Day, not Capital Day (a big thanks to my sixth grade English teacher for cementing the distinction in my mind). We were accompanied by Dr. McConnell, Mr. Yarborough, Dr. Easterling, Ms. Westbrook and Ms. Lewis.
The students who attended the event prepared by writing letters to their assigned legislators. Most of the legislators assigned to a student represented the home county of the student. We were instructed to do research on our local representatives and senators, a task I readily accepted, as I wanted to learn more about who helps control the laws that control me.
The majority of the letters expressed gratitude for the recipients’ support of MSMS. However, some students included funny and/or cute post scripts. Clare Seo, for example, stated in her letters, “If you can’t find me look for the Asian girl with the purple hair.” One representative shared his immense amusement at this line to Clare, proving that MSMS kids are not only nerdy but funny as well!
The bus to Jackson left at 5:30 a.m., meaning that my affinity for sleep was thoroughly crushed under the tyrannical reign of my alarm clock. However, my feeling of sleepy drudge was quickly replaced with excitement, for I knew that the day would hold a myriad of worthwhile experiences.

Juniors Niyah Lockett and Madison Meeks were among the 26 students to participate in Capitol Day.
Once we arrived at the Capitol, we roamed the halls of the historic building and then met with as many legislators as we could. Many iconic selfies were taken, and many impactful conversations were held. We sat in on a Senate session and were recognized by Lowndes County Senator Chuck Younger.
The goal of the day was to promote MSMS and represent the wonderful ideals that the students here encompass. MSMS is a public school, meaning that our legislators help decide the future of our beloved institution. The task at hand felt intimidating at first, but I soon found my footing and learned the lesson that people are people, regardless of title. Discussing the virtue of MSMS was easy, but it was articulating my love for MSMS without using the phrases “good vibes” or “uwu” that proved challenging.
Overall, the trip was an extremely interesting opportunity, and I’m immensely grateful for the legislators who allow me to attend the school that I love. MSMS has impacted who I am as a person in every positive way possible, and the opportunities that I am offered here are unsurpassable. I’m glad that Capitol Day exists, for it allows students to express their thankfulness to the legislators who make it happen.