Students Sweep Regional Chess Tournament
January 28, 2019
MSMS, in conjunction with the Mississippi Scholastic Chess Association, hosted a regional chess tournament for grades K-12 on January 26, 2019. The tournament took place in Cochran Hall on the campus of the Mississippi University for Women.
Students from MSMS swept the K-12 division. Junior David Heson earned first place, senior Danail Dimitrov won second place and junior Evan Stegall won third place.
“I did not expect to win. It was one of the most stressful things I’ve done,” said Heson. Heson won all of his rounds to secure first place.
The Swiss-system tournament was composed of five rounds each with a twenty-five minute time limit and ten second increments. Students played in unrated sections K-5 and K-7 and rated sections K-9 and K-12. The top three winners in each section received trophies. Full-tuition scholarships to MSMS Summer Enrichment Camps were awarded to winners of the lower divisions.

Students concentrate on making the next move.
MSMS senior Hamilton Wan and junior Tristan Calaway also participated in the event.
“I had a lot of fun. It was a good way for me to touch back on old chess memories,” said Wan, Chess Club president.
The tournament has been hosted at MSMS for the past three years with help of Chess Club.
“I helped call some chess games. If someone called a checkmate, I would come over and verify,” said Dr. Scott Curtis, Chess Club sponsor.
Emissaries also assisted in hosting the student players. Curtis recognized Emissary Sophia Garcia especially.
“She helped put scores in the computer and took students on tours. She was particularly helpful,” Curtis said.
“There were a lot of students that were interested in learning about the school and possibly attending,” noted Emissary Kaelon McNeece.
The Scholastic Chess Team Championships will take place March 23 at Mississippi State University.