China’s Retaliation

January 10, 2019


Companies in China have been offerings incentives to employees owning Huawei products as a way of showing their support during the detainment of Ms. Meng. (

As a result of Meng Wanzhou’s detainment in Canada, Chinese citizens were outraged.

That fire even burned up the chain to executives of major companies, and in a move to show support for Huawei and the Meng family, starting granting incentives to employees using Huawei handsets.

Incentives ranged from subsidies up to 500 yuan of their purchases, from other companies like Chengdu RYD Info. Tech. offering 15% subsidies off of their Huawei handset.

Other companies actively were warning employees about buying Apple devices, some even punishing their employees, causing divisiveness around the Chinese public.

Some viewed the acts of patriotism necessary under the recent circumstances of the trade war and the U.S./Canada’s detainment of Meng Wanzhou.

In more drastic measures, the number of Canadian citizens detained in China has risen to reportedly 13, and this combined with warnings from several of the patriotic companies from China make this issue seem more warlike than ever before.  

While two of the detainees, according to Zhang Jun, the prosecutor general of China, have put China’s national security at risk and “without a doubt” violated the law, the other 11 seem to be at the wrong place at the wrong time with all of these trade war tensions boiling up.

The U.S. even distributed a travel warning to any Americans planning to go to China to increase caution at the extra enforcement of local laws.

What adds insult to injury, and from China’s perspective invalidates the case against Meng Wanzhou, is the fact that U.S. President Donald Trump has said that he could “intervene” in the trial against Ms. Meng if it served to reach a trade deal between China and the U.S. A quote from a CNBC article has him stating,

From Trump’s quote, it could be easily misconceived (or correctly assumed, who knows at this point) that chess-game politics are playing a larger role into the arrest of Ms. Meng than the actual accusations that she is brought upon in Court.

There is no doubt that China’s retaliation to the arrest of Ms. Meng will be putting a damper on this trade truce, with hostility rearing its ugly head from both sides.

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