The E’Dawn and HyunA Controversy: a Recap

Hyuna, or Kim Hyun-ah, is a member of Triple H and is the girlfriend of E’Dawn.
October 1, 2018
For all you MSMS Kpop fans out there feeling out of the loop, here’s what’s up with the latest scandal in Kpop:
The rapper from K-pop group Pentagon and member of mixed project group Triple H, E’Dawn, and co-member of Triple H, HyunA, have reportedly been let go by their entertainment agency, Cube Entertainment, after sharing on social media that they are dating.
In the aftermath of the scandal, chaos has ensued, including rumors of HyunA joining another hip-hop agency, AOMG. Due to mixed-up information in which HyunA’s stylist was mentioned working for AOMG, the public was convinced that HyunA had already recovered and was looking for a new outlet for herself. These rumors were squashed by the company, however, who stated that they were only taking the stylist on to assist one of the company’s own idols, ELON, in preparation for a new project, and that there was never an intention to recruit HyunA.
HyunA is a singer, songwriter, dancer, and model. She began her rise to fame as a member of the late 2000’s groups Wonder Girls and 4Minute, the latter of which marked her joining Cube (in 2009). E’Dawn, who debuted in 2016 has much less experience in the industry. Since meeting in the industry in 2015, E’Dawn has been mentored and befriended by HyunA, and have even celebrated their close birthdays together. Meeting when E’Dawn was only a trainee, they both helped with each other’s music, although they were often unrecognized. HyunA commented on the relationship, saying “our relationship continued as we made music together.”
HyunA and E’Dawn represent two of the three members of Triple H, a co-ed project group formed in 2017. The third member is Pentagon’s Hui. Triple H was forced to stop TV promotions because of the controversy.
As yet the matter of HyunA and E’Dawn’s expulsion from Cube is undecided. A board of directors was announced to meet a week after the incident, and it appears that the decision is still uncertain, but is leaning towards the side of the company’s first promise of removing the artists from Cube. The initial decision was pushed by Korean fans of E’Dawn’s band Pentagon, who felt betrayed by the idol’s actions. Foreign fans–notably from the U.K., U.S. and Japan– have started online petitions on and other websites to keep E’Dawn in the company, and have collectively gathered over ninety-one thousand signatures and counting.
Many fans have also taken to Twitter in support of E’Dawn returning to Pentagon, posting with the hashtag #PenatagonNeedsEdawn and #PENTAGONis10. However, there is an attitude among non-Korean fans that the artists should not go back to Cube because of the company’s decidedly immoral treatment of the situation, and of their loyal idols.
The online petition’s declaration said, “”Fans” are demanding that E’Dawn is removed from Pentagon. Let’s sign this petition to make sure he stays in Pentagon!!! He doesn’t deserve all this hate and he shouldn’t be treated like this. If E’Dawn is happy with HyunA, then we should all be happy for them.”
Cube Entertainment placed the reason for the company’s action on the fact that they could not trust the two stars, and that their actions had put their loyalties and dedication to their respective and shared bands into question.

The stars, evidently, have been secretly dating since 2016 and finally felt the need to be open with their fans after many years of support, with HyunA saying in an Instagram post, “I really wanted to be honest. For the fans who always support me and watch over me, I want to work hard on stage with a happy heart, with nothing to hide–as I always have.” HyunA and E’Dawn had apparently previously denied any romantic involvement, but in early August of this year, they finally confirmed what many fans had both feared and hoped for.
After Cube initially denied the claims that the two were dating on August 3, HyunA fought back with a sweet message on her social media confirming the relationship. After much deliberation– and after two years of keeping their love a secret–HyunA and E’Dawn decided that they needed to be honest with their fans, and wanted to be able to stand up with confidence while performing on stage.

Cube Entertainment announced that they were letting the two idols go on September 13, which infuriated many fans, especially since the two stars reportedly first heard of their release as the fans did–by the same social media announcement. The company released a statement that “After much discussion, the judgment was made that it is not possible to recover the faith with the two artists HyunA and E’Dawn, so their removal has been decided.” The company also thanked the artists and their fans for their hard work thus far.
In the months before the announcement, E’Dawn had been on apparent hiatus from the company’s events, which alarmed fans. This was following the couple’s announcement of their relationship, and interrupted the promotion of Pentagon’s new song “Naughty Boy.” E’Dawn was not allowed to join the rest of the band in the promotion or many of the scheduled fan meetings and signings, as well as the band’s fan club event “Unbirthday” in Korea. Pentagon had to carry on with only eight members; another member, Yan An, had also gone on indefinite hiatus due to health reasons during the same time. Pentagon is a ten-member group in its completion.
After the announcement of the departure of the two artists from the company, Cube Entertainment stock prices swiftly dropped by 7.91 percent, which some say is the reason for Cube’s most recent statement just 7 hours after the initial announcement, that the decision to remove the artists is now undecided. Although the announcement in September was stated as having been made only after careful consideration by the company, the board of directors at Cube is now backpedaling.
In a statement by the head of the company, Shin Dae Nam, it was said that the matter of the removal of the two artists is “still being discussed and nothing is finalized.” Nam also said that the opinion of the artists on the matter was important to consider and that the board would need to hear from them before making the final decision.