Junior Class President Emerges from Run-Off Election
Jenny Nguyen looks forward to serving the junior class
September 17, 2015
Following weeks of campaign posters covering the halls, handshakes and speeches, the president of the class of 2017 has been elected. After the other class officer positions were filled, the presidency remained a contested seat amongst the candidates. A run-off election was held between the top two candidates, and Jenny Nguyen emerged as the new class president.
“I was extremely nervous, but either way, I knew that the candidate chosen would do a phenomenal job,” Nguyen said.
Now that the elections are over, it is time for the new class officers to begin taking on the responsibilities that come with their new positions. The role of the junior class officers is to organize prom. Though the responsibility will fall under the president, it is mainly a group effort.
“Prom is honestly up to the class. I’ve got experience with organizing large dances, but the ideas have always been generated by the class, and I’m always open to any ideas for prom!” Nguyen said. She also has many things in store for public service projects and helping our community.
“I’m ecstatic to serve the junior class this year! Aside from prom, I want to involve the class with something that benefits the community. I founded a nonprofit project that collects books for children to read, and I’m excited to begin the project here at MSMS within the next few months,” Nguyen said.
Last year’s junior class president, Raksha Chatakondi remembers the many hours spent organizing prom. Ordering food, setting up decorations and finding a venue are just some of the many tasks that go into setting up a prom that everyone will enjoy.
“Prom is a night that a lot of people remember for a long time, so organizing it took a lot of time and careful attention. It was fun to hear the reactions when we revealed the theme, decorations, invitations, etc,” Chatakondi said.
Chatakondi also advised the incoming officers, “My biggest advice to the new junior class president is to be flexible toward everything coming your way and expect the unexpected. A lot of things about decorations or venue or food changed up until the very last day so being scared of change will be very difficult.”
The class officers have many things in store for the school and look forward to a productive and fun year as school leaders.