Student Government Holds First Meeting of the Year
Connor Chitmon, along with the rest of the Senate, listens attentively to President Lori Feng speak.
August 27, 2018
The Student Government Association met for the first time Tuesday night to show the new Senators the ropes. Senator Sarah Perry, a senior, proposed a mock bill that would allow students to have pets in the dorms.
Elections were held last Sunday night; however, only 23 of the 28 positions were filled. Five spots have yet to be filled for the Goen Senators—both junior positions and one senior position on third floor and both senior positions on fourth floor.
This year, twelve new junior Senators were elected, including James Torrent, who was assigned the duty of writing the first junior bill of the year.
Torrent expressed his excitement for being able to write the first junior bill of the year.
“It feels pretty good,” Torrent said. “It gives the students the opportunity to directly impact the school.”
For his first legislative move, he plans to introduce a bill to alter the course of the second semester of MSMS 101, making it more of a college preparation class to help juniors through the college application process.
Additionally, there were five incumbent and six new senior Senators. “I feel very honored to be re-elected to senate. I am glad that the student body believes me to be fit for the position,” said returning Senator Lilian Le said. This year, Le would like to see more bills regarding student life, affecting things such as dress code and privilege plans. “[The Senate] is not productive without the student body. If you have an issue that warrants change, voice it to your local senator,” Le added.
SGA President Lori Feng also spoke out on her executive role and what she plans to do this year. “Honestly, I am honored to represent the student body here at MSMS, and I will do my best to put into effect the wishes of the student body.”
“One of our main goals this year is to facilitate more efficient communication between the Senate and Administration,” Feng said. “Another major goal is to facilitate closer communication between MSMS and its sister Math and Science School, and eventually starting an academic competition between the schools. Specifically, this year, we want to organize a group of students to visit sister schools so MSMS can learn more about how similar schools function successfully.”
Another returning senior, Dev Jaiswal, feels more confident going into this year, ready to pick up the responsibility of being a senior Senator. Jaiswal gave some advice for the juniors.
“I don’t want anyone to regret anything. Just try. You might be amazed by what happens.”
Junior Class Officer and Honor Court elections will be held next month.