First Annual Goen Hall Ice Cream Forum
MSMS students listen as Ms. LaToya and Gabby Kennedy inform the group about issues in Goen.
April 9, 2018
On Tuesday, April 3, Goen Hall Residential Life staff hosted the first annual Ice Cream Forum. This forum gave female MSMS students a chance to voice their complaints to the Res Life staff. For a few days leading up to this event, a suggestion box was placed in the Goen lobby. Students could write in topics that they wish to discuss at the forum.
This forum included ice cream, so the ice cream was first handed out in the meeting. After all attendees were given ice cream, the forum began. It was student lead by senior Gabby Kennedy.
Kennedy would pull out a piece of paper from the suggestion box. She would then allow students to raise their hand and make a comment relating to that specific topic. After Ms. LaToya, the Goen Hall Director, had a chance to listen to the students’ concerns, she would give a response to the specific topic that was being discussed.
“ I wish the procedure of discussion could have been slightly more organized. Many people were trying to talk over each other and it was a bit overwhelming,” states Mackenzie Umanzor.
This process repeated until time ran out. Many issues were addressed such as certain staff members not being fair, kitchen use, laundry room privileges, and more.
Some students have expressed that the forum was not as helpful as they were hoping for.
“This forum had the potential to be a great event, however I felt like the problems that were brought up were not handled properly be either students or Res Life. There was a lot of talking but not much true communication between both parties. I wish, as a whole, that the concerns that students had could have been addressed with a more precise answer than what was provided by Res Life,” says junior Camryn Mason.
Although the execution wasn’t ideal, students appreciated the thought behind organizing the ice cream forum.
Jilkiah Bryant says, “It was enlightening to see that the res Life staff cared enough to hear our opinions. We live together and having to adjust to this environment makes it easier when you know they are willing to listen.”
Due to weather inclinations, the forum was cut short. Because of this, a second forum will be held to continue the discussion of certain problems that are present in the residence hall.
“I would love the attend the second part of the forum to see if there will be better communication this time,” says Mason.