Gina Nguyen
Most students have had to make drastic transitions as they began distance learning.
As MSMS has begun the transition into distance learning, students are now learning through Zoom calls, emails and Canvas assignments. Many haven’t seen their teachers or classmates in over three weeks. Regardless, everyone is coping as best as they can and trying to maintain a positive attitude in this time of quarantine.
Students like junior Gracie Rowland have used their time in quarantine for self-reflection and time management.
“I appreciate how much my life has slowed down,” Rowland said. “This solitary break has forced me into somewhat of a constant state of introspection, which means I spend a lot of time staring at my wall, but it also means that I’ve been able to re-evaluate a lot of things in my life.”
To Rowland, this newfound self-reflection doesn’t come without consequences. “However, I will say that distance learning has been a challenge, as I find it hard to maintain motivation or not feel overwhelmed by the downpour of assignments. I’m proud of my classmates for handling this unfortunate situation so well, and I look forward to seeing them with ardent anticipation.”
Some students, like juniors Colin Gordy and Trevor Allen, have been using the newfound free time to find hobbies to fight boredom.
“I’ve been mostly staying at home with my dad. My mom works in healthcare and is now working 5 or 6 days a week, so I don’t get to see her much,” Gordy said. “It’s been pretty boring, and I miss my friends a lot.”
Allen has been finding ways to keep from being bored at home. “It’s been a learning experience, making sure I get all my work done and managing my time well. The only things keeping me sane are my dogs and painting,” Allen said.
Quarantine has also given students like senior Reggie Zheng and junior Shanay Desai a sense of gratitude for life and for MSMS.
“It’s definitely something none of us are accustomed to. Being in quarantine has made me appreciate the outside world more. For example, I’ve never fully understood how good sunlight felt,” Zheng said. “But even in these times, we, as MSMS students, still manage to persevere and I think that’s admirable.”
“In my opinion, online school is definitely not the most ideal way of learning. It definitely feels weird not being able to see all of my friends every single day because of this corona situation,” junior Shanay Desai said. “I’m still doing the best I can in keeping up with my academics as well as keeping up with my friends over this extended break.”
I agree that it has been an adjustment as we all transition into distance learning. As much as I would love to sleep until noon and start my work at 10 p.m., it’s been good for me to get up at 8 or 9 a.m. and finish my work early and be more productive. I feel like this has been a good mental health reset for us all, and we should continue to take this time to better ourselves as we move forward, in order to come back stronger in the long run. Our best bet is to remain positive and remain indoors until instructed otherwise.
From mastering painting to Mastering Chemistry, students are finding their own ways to thrive in the distance learning setting. While it has been a major adjustment for everyone, students are exemplifying determination and setting examples for future generations to come.